At Dev Studio we do

Website Design & Development

Ecommerce Development

UX Design & Development

Website Maintenance & Updates

Brand Design & Media Creation

We enable our clients create powerful brands, build stunning websites and design disrupting digital products. We design your dreams digitaly. 

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Customer Success
We are a small team of Web Designers, Web Developers, Creative Designers and SEO Nerds. And we all L❤️VE what we do.

Our journey begun on 2019 from a rooftop where we get together to chitchat on a coffee about our favourite topics, since then, we never stopped talking about creativity, design, SEO, UI & UX and it’s seems to be never gonna end any sooner. 

We Will Commence Our 200th Project on the1st of Next Month.

We Believe in Small Changes

Want to Work Together?

Reach out to us for all your web design and development projects. Get amazing discount on SEO and Design services as a package. Get more details Today.

Book an Appointment Today

We’re available 24/7

📍Mileticova 578/46, Bratislava, 821 08

📍 Ulica L. Amadeho 1514/50, Gabcikovo, 930 05

 🇸🇰 +421 951815452 | 🇨🇿+420 606895394


Develop Agency

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Innovative Web Development Solutions

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Here are Numerous Topics That Will Enhance Your Skills














About Company

We’re Award-winning Web Development Agency

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Popular Services

We Provide Amazing Web Design Solutions

Web Development

Mobile Application

Team Agumentation

Design & Branding

React Js Development

Front-end development

Jamstack Development

MVP Development

Design & Branding

Web Development

Mobile Apps

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Why Choose Us

Web Design Company That You Can Trust

We use strategic marketing tactics that have been proven programming

You can increase, pause or stop our services at any time leaving

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Devices show more pixels square inch resulting sharperes images Content

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Best Pricing Package For All Web Design Solutions

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